
POL League Finals - Tournament Rules

Punishments for violating any of the rules below are decided by Phoenixdarts staff and are subject to change at any time.

  • No outside food or beverages allowed in the tournament hall.
  • Players cannot participate in any Side Shoots while they are playing in a POL Finals event. Players can only participate in one event at a time.
  • Players cannot participate in more than one division’s League Finals at a time. Players must check the posted POL Season’s League Finals Tournament schedule before signing up for a Qualifier League and not qualify for divisions that have conflicting League Finals start times.
  • No player can leave the machine once a match has been started or will risk being forfeited by the bracket runner.
    • In cases where both players/teams have left the machine, the first player/team that violated this rule will be penalized.
  • 8 Minute Forfeiture Call. You will be given 8 minutes to start your match from when your match is called by the Bracket Runner. The Bracket Runner’s decision to forfeit a match is final. It’s the player’s responsibility to be aware of their match being called. If you aren’t sure if your match has been called, check with the Bracket Runner.
  • For every match, players will flip and diddle to determine who will throw first for the first leg. Loser of the previous leg will throw first in the following leg except on a tiebreaker leg, where the teams must diddle again. The winner of the diddle will then have the choice of going first or selecting the ‘Choice’ game for the final leg.
    • The winner of the diddle is determined by whose dart landed closest to the center hole of the D-Bull.
    • If the first player to diddle hits the center hole of the D-Bull, the dart may be removed to give the next player a chance to tie.
  • Choice games in Medley formats must be one of the games previously played in the Medley.
    • For example, for a 501 – CR – Choice match, the Choice game must be either 501 or Cricket.
  • Teams bust their division cap based on the conditions below:
    • Doubles Divisions:
      • A team that finishes 2.9 rating points above the the division’s team cap will be moved to a higher division.
      • For example: If a division’s Team Cap is 25, any team with an Official Team Rating above 27.9 will bust the cap and must play in a higher division at the League Finals.
    • Singles Divisions:
      • A player who finishes 1.9 rating points higher than the division’s cap will be moved to a higher division (if one is available). This applies to Doubles teams as well.
      • For example: If a singles division’s cap is 18, any player who finishes with an Official Rating above 19.9 will bust the cap.
    • Teams/players that have busted the cap must play in the higher division for the following seasons’ Qualifiers. Alternatively, they can find new partners to fit within the lower division’s Qualifiers.
    • Teams/players moved up a division will take their league payout money up with them to the division they have been reassigned to, increasing the payout for their new division and decreasing the payout for the division they were reassigned from. 
    • Substitute Players
      • Players qualified for the league finals as a team. This means that they must compete in the league finals with the teammate they qualified with. However, if a teammate cannot make it to the league finals, he or she can be replaced with a substitute.
      • Substitute players that have a General Rating that is higher than the original player’s Official Rating are automatically invalid.
      • span class="rsjuno-text-large" style="font-size: 18px;">The substitute does not need to have played in a POL Qualifier. However,

all POL finals substitutes must be submitted to PDUSA for approval prior to the end of the online signup period for the POL Finals Tournament.

      • PDUSA will investigate the substitute player’s play data to verify if he/she is a valid substitute player. If approved, the substitute player’s information will be added to the team on the online signup website. Once this is done, the team can proceed to sign up online.
    • The dartboard is not always right so in the event of a correction an Official must be called to the board to make the correction. No player in the match can make a correction. If a machine does not register the correct dart but the game ends as a result then what the machine scored will stand. In other cases, where the dart sticks will take priority over what the machine scores.
    • It’s the players’ responsibility to know it is their turn to throw darts.

Darts thrown by the wrong player will be considered as lost

    • . Points scored will be undone and turn skipped. If points scored cannot be undone, then the violating team’s next turn(s) will be skipped until the order is corrected. If a dart thrown by the wrong player is a winning dart, the results will be overturned and a loss will be recorded for the winning team that threw out of order.
      • If a player throws darts on their opponent’s turn, points scored will be undone, the correct player can throw his/her darts, and the violating player’s next turn will be skipped. If points scored cannot be undone, the points scored will stand and the violating player’s next turn will be skipped.
    • Foot Fault: Players must keep both feet behind the throw line until the dart has been released. Players cannot lunge except on the last dart of their turn.
    • Overachieving. Players that achieve 3 or more rating points, on average, over their starting rating for a main event, may be removed from that main event. If the player is at the point where they are to receive money, they will forfeit any winnings, and entries will not be refunded. Any player/team that has previously played a removed player/team will not advance nor receive money if they lost to the removed player/team.
    • Players requiring the use of wheelchairs, risers, walkers, etc. are legal at the throw line as follows:
      • There is no restriction to a player leaning as long as his or her foot is not over the edge of the throw line. Players may lunge when throwing so long as their front foot remains planted behind the line and the dart hits the board before their hind foot touches the floor.
      • There is only one person allowed at the throw line at a time. No Exceptions.
      • span class="rsjuno-text-large" style="font-size: 18px;">At any time during a match,

coaching can only be done by his or her teammate

      • .
      • No chanting during a match. Anything that can be considered as distracting to a player while they are throwing is grounds for removal from the Tournament.
      • You may cheer for your teammate, friends, etc., but not during the opponent's turn.
        • Players must also be mindful of matches on adjacent machines and must not interrupt those players either.
      • No personal music devices can be used without headphones.
      • Once you have started a match, players in the match

cannot throw any practice darts

      • .
      • If a player is at the throw line in a ready-to-throw position and drops the dart gripped in his/her throwing hand, it is considered a thrown dart.
      • span class="rsjuno-text-strong>If there is an issue with a match, no dart can be thrown by either team until the issue has been resolved. Issues brought up after a match has been completed cannot be officiated.
      • If there is a problem with a dart board during a match for any reason, the match will be moved to another dart board

and the current game must be played from the beginning.

      • Zero tolerance on fighting, arguing, or physical contact in any way. If there are any questions or problems, find a Tournament Official to resolve the problem at hand.
      • Players who are too intoxicated to compete or are causing discomfort for any players in the tournament hall will be asked to leave for the day. Players who refuse to leave will be escorted out by security and disqualified for the remainder of the tournament. Additional sanctions may apply.